While it may sound like it, Covid is not the current leading cause of death. Heart disease and diabetes take many more lives. What then is the causal factor for the overwhelming number of deaths? The factor is specifically linked to the American diet. Sugar and corn, both toxic substances, are everywhere in our diet, a diet that leads to premature aging and death. Note that the vast majority of Covid death victims suffered from heart disease or diabetes, or both. The current pandemic will, in the near future, be eradicated while the American diet will continue claiming lives. It is both remarkable and unfortunate that one seldom sees the important message about the toxicity of processed foods, sugary drinks and baked goods, and their effect on our health. This is by no means an exaggeration. There is abundant information everywhere supporting what is stated here.
The answer to a long and healthy life, is in no small part, a change in our diet; a diet devoid of toxic foods. Stick to produce, wild caught fish, free range chicken and grass fed beef. Your body and mind will thank you.